I just got 883 stirring words written in the LAST lesson of my online training class. Only about 4,000 words left to go, and it will be over. As you can probably guess from the upper-case emphasis, I’m glad that this is the end of the trail. When the course is done, I actually will have written about 60,000 words, which is basically the equivalent of a small book.
As some folks may know, I’ve written a book before. That was a large project, but one notable difference is that a regular book doesn’t include quizzes at the end of each chapter. These training courses do.
I’ve discovered that writing quizzes is extremely difficult. There’s a real art to writing those horrible multiple-choice questions you might remember from standardized testing. I find that I have to get myself into a certain mindset to crank them out. It’s definitely not my normal mindset, so it can be a somewhat painful process.
In other news, we did our radio show this week on a subject that is near and dear to our hearts. The topic was Pets and the ‘Net and we explained how I found Leto through Samoyed rescue online, how we consulted with an online behaviorist to deal with Tika’s problems, and how we researched Leto and Cami’s medical problems using onilne veterinary resources.
It was fun, which isn’t a surprise, since as most people have noticed, we like to talk about our goofy dogs 🙂