After my kennel sitting job, it was good to return home. There’s a big difference between dealing with 6 critters versus 19. Of course the first night I got home, I went into my office to check my e-mail and Cami (the small white dog) distinguished herself by yakking on the carpet. Yeah, some things never change. Welcome home.
This week also was marked by the fact that I finally filed approximately two year’s worth of business and personal papers. For the record, I hate filing.
I tend to ignore the whole filing problem by putting papers into a "to be filed" folder. Over time, the "to be filed" folder can’t hold the endless papers, so the excess gets relegated to an overflow stack. The overflow stack subsequently grows into a disturbing tower of procrastination. The goal is to do filing before the leaning tower tips over. Filing can be avoided; gravity can’t.
So many hours later, I have finally finished filing. I wish I could say it was a satisfying feeling, but really it’s not. Every day more papers come in and the tower of procrastination is destined to be rebuit.