I got a number of sympathetic e-mails about my insect invasion last week. Apparently I’m not alone in my big bug creep out. So thanks to all of you for thinking about my creepy crawly world…this week was much better 🙂
Today has been a slow Friday. I’ve been attempting to get a layout done for a brochure I’m working on. I’ve noticed that my creativity comes in bursts. I’ve discovered that whether writing or designing, I need to ruminate first. It may look like I’m just sitting and staring, but really I’m festering with big thoughts.
Unfortunately, Troi, the small tank-like feline doesn’t get this process at all. She sits and glares at me for a while. Then she stretches a paw up to my chair to reach out and touch my thigh. Unfortunately, it’s claw trimming time, so this ostensibly friendly gesture causes some degree of pain. (And doesn’t do much for the creative process either).
The Troi-cat is the epitome of self absorption. She lives by the philosophy that anything that is not her idea is not a good thing. She’s actually an affectionate little critter, but only on her terms. If it’s not her idea, she’s not interested. For example, taking pills is SO VERY not her idea. Ever.
However, I have convinced her that at our house, we do the regular claw trimming thing whether she likes it or not. It’s getting better, but she’s still somewhat obnoxious about it. Part of the problem is that I got her as a 5 month old teenager, instead of as an ultra cute 8 week kitten. Teen ogre-hood had already set in and there was no turning back.
Anyway, clearly it’s time to have another special claw trimming moment with the small cat. She’s sleeping peacefully now, but the big evil toenail trimmer approacheth.