Today is sunny and they say it might hit 70 degrees outside. Apparently, we have passed that magic temperature point when the carpenter ants wake up. I found two scurrying across the kitchen floor today. They are just a minor indicator of the army to come.
When the warm weather comes, the forest wakes up and the carpenter ants head out into the big world. Unlike regular house ants, carpenter ants eat wood. They particularly like damp wood. So if you live in a log house in the middle of a forest and it’s Spring, you are likely to see carpenter ants.
Carpenter ants are also the source of much entertainment among the furry critters who share our house. Leto the large hairy hound makes a special peculiar slurping sound as he snarfs carpenter ants up off the floor. He and Cami, the woolly white dog are the only ones who will mess with the ants.
Depending on her mood (which is usually hungry and swinish), Cami may or may not decide to consume roving carpenter ants. When she does, we all know because she makes a huge production out of it. Apparently, carpenter ants taste really bad because both Cami and Leto make all kinds of peculiar faces as they try to choke one down.
The cats, who gleefully eat spiders and flies, won’t touch carpenter ants. They wait for a human to dispatch any wandering ants. (Hey, we all have our standards.) It’s just more proof that the old saying "dogs have owners, but cats have staff" is all too accurate.