This week I have been enjoying the SUN. As most people have probably noticed, I’m a big fan of sunlight. In addition to the joy of sunlight, a new health kick hit hard and I began going to yoga classes. (You can really tell that it’s New Year’s resolution time, can’t you?)
In other news, I’ve been doing a lot of reading about e-zines and it got me thinking. After more than a year of publishing CC Tips, I’ve never openly asked you readers what you’d like to see in this e-zine. Apparently most people like it because we get very few "unsubscribes."
So I’m wondering are there any topics you’d like me to cover? Anything about your computer that really is driving you nuts? Questions that you want answered?
If you have any insights into these questions or have suggestions as to how we can improve this e-zine, please let me know. The goal of any editor is to create a publication that people LIKE and WANT to read. But it’s a lot easier to provide what you need if you let me know what it is. So with that in mind, I encourage you to send any questions, comments or thoughts to me at webmaster AT
Oh and one other thing…normally, I ask James to proofread CC Tips before I send it out. But he is "out sick" today, so I’m not going to bug him. If you find typos, the fault is all mine. So with that, I need to run off and feed him some soup 🙂