Even though it’s only Wednesday as I’m writing, this week has been one of those emotional roller coaster weeks with extreme highs and lows. I started off by committing a serious “reply to all” email faux pas. (Yes, admit it, you’ve done it too!) Then on Monday, I had not one, not two, but three clients with technical traumas. One person had a “meltdown;” another professed to be “going insane” dealing with a printer. However, I resolved them all, so by Tuesday, I was riding high and feeling like a techno-goddess.
That high continued through my NAPRP teleseminar in which I had the amazing opportunity to talk to the founder of Petfinder.com, Betsy Saul. For those who don’t know, Petfinder is one of the most popular animal-related Web sites online. This Web site has single-handedly improved pet adoption statistics in North America. Betsy is one of the nicest people you’d ever want to meet and is more proof that sometimes just one person with an idea and a lot of motivation can make a big difference.