Today is one of those gloriously sunny days that makes kids stuck inside squirm to be released. In this area, school is almost out for the year and I have to say that it would be difficult to sit in a classroom with summer beckoning. Even though it’s been a while since I was in school, I remember the feeling well. And I’m reminded almost every time I go into town because I drive by an elementary school.
As I drive slowly through the school zone, I often see the kids outside at recess, playing on the jungle gyms and swings. It looks like a lot of fun, and it makes me wonder, why don’t we (as adults) get recess anymore?
In my trusty dictionary, recess is defined as a "temporary withdrawal or cessation from work or activity." In other words, getting out of the classroom or office and doing something fun. It seems to me that many people spend so much time working that they could stand a little recess in their lives. Years ago, when I worked at a stressful publishing company, a group of us used to go out for a walk at lunchtime. It was just a 20-minute stroll around the neighborhood, but afterward we all felt much better.
So I’ve decided that I believe wholeheartedly in the concept of recess. Maybe the programming division of Logical Expressions needs to go out and build us a swing