I got a huge response to my grumpy rant last week. In my very cranky state, I said that there was a possibility that we might stop sending out the e-mail version of Logical Tips and just use the RSS feed for delivery.
Well, the responses just warmed the cockles of my heart. I swear I was not fishing for compliments. All of the people who took the time to write had really nice things to say, and I wrote a "thank you" to everyone.
A couple of e-mails were particularly compelling because they explained how Logical Tips gave them a "taste of home" whether it’s Idaho or even the United States. It’s easy to forget while I’m sitting here in my chaotic office that people could be reading my words from "half a world away" as one writer coined it. He’s serving in the military, and for him, Logical Tips is a link to home. I can’t imagine how difficult that would be, but I’m glad I can help in a small way.
The other good news is that after all the problems, lo and behold, our new contact forms on our web sites work *great*. In fact, a number of people clicked through to the Musings article on the Logical Tips site and contacted me through the article contact form. How nifty is that?!
Anyway, I actually DID take a vacation, which dramatically helped my mood, and just for the record, we’ll continue to send out Logical Tips via e-mail. It isn’t going anywhere. But if you are curious about RSS, you can read about it at our RSS page here: http://rss.logicalexpressions.com.
In addition to delivery via e-mail, you can get Logical Tips and articles from our other sites through an RSS reader. And for those who wonder, I use a free reader called RSS Bandit (http://www.rssbandit.org). Microsoft claims that RSS will be built into future versions of Internet Explorer as well.
Thanks again to everyone who wrote to me. It really meant a lot