This week has been one of various canine digestive disturbances. Our dog Tika has had quite a few Out of Bed Experiences in the middle of the night. Because she sleeps on the "top bunk" of the doggie bunk beds in our bedroom, when she leaps out of her bed, everyone knows. The gigantic THUD as she hits the floor is your first clue she’s having some type of problem.
After a couple late-night emergency outings, Tika’s system seems to have righted itself again. It’s a good thing because being awakened in the middle of the night tends to lower your productivity the next day. No wonder new parents wander around with a sort of dazed look on their face. Lack of sleep does that to you.
Given that we’re having a big storm, I’m going to make this short and send it out early. But before I sign off I should mention that our Happy Hound book is finally available from us ( or If you know someone planning to adopt a dog this holiday season, it might make a fine gift 😉