In the old movie, “The Secret of Nimh,” one of the animated characters is a crow named Jeremy. Throughout the movie, he is excited by anything shiny and pretty. “Ooh! oh-oh-oooh! A sparkly!”
A lot of writers are like Jeremy. Including me.
My inquisitive nature could be disdainfully referred to as a lack of focus. However, blogging is one activity where being interested in a wide range of topics can be an advantage. It’s great for people like me who get bored easily, but want to make money.
Technically, I have been blogging since before blog software existed. I have “content sites” that work much like blogs with hundreds of articles. Articles that I wrote 10 years ago still make me money. They are on topics that I have no interest in anymore.
When I get bored with one topic, I start a new site or revamp an old site. My blogs/article sites make money in several ways: Google AdSense ads, product sales, and service sales. Here’s how it works.
Google AdSense
Many people say Google AdSense is a waste of time, and it can be, depending on what you write. The money you receive from AdSense comes from people buying pay per click advertising on Google AdWords. As the publisher, you get a percentage of the money each time someone clicks an ad.
Ideally, to make money with AdSense, you need to find a magic intersection between three things: 1. A topic you enjoy. 2. Expensive AdWords ads. 3. Information people need. People search to get answers. If you provide them, your blog posts are likely to be found. Some of my sites make AdSense income, some don’t. You can get strategic about making money if you are willing to do keyword research.
Although you’re not allowed to divulge earnings, Google only sends a check if you earn more than $100/month. I received checks every month for more than a decade. (You do the math.)
Product Sales
Some of my sites don’t make AdSense income because they are on topics that don’t pay well or don’t have enough relevant ads. So we also include relevant ads for our own products on our content sites too. On my pet-related site, we have ads for my pet-related books. On my computing sites, we have ads for my tips books and templates that relate to the article people found in their search. Almost every day, someone buys something.
I have lived in a town of 7,000 people since 1996. Over time, the services I have offered have evolved, but one thing has remained consistent. My clients aren’t local. Clients find me through our Web sites. Our article/blog sites have ads for our services. Suppose I write an article with tips on book layout. I’ll include a subtle note at the bottom that says, “oh by the way I offer book layout services.” Or I write about mastermind groups and include an ad for mine.
Of course, if you’re a writer, your articles also are a great advertisement for your ability to write!
The key to making money is that you need to write. For years, I wrote at least one article per week. Use your natural curiosity to your advantage! If you write blog posts that solve problems for people, you can make money.