Some of you may remember my moments of trepedation with the 1,283 HTML files. I was afraid that I’d agreed to work on a Web site that was far, far larger than I thought it was. As it turned out, there were nowhere near that many *good* files. It was mostly just a file management nightmare with endless copies of unused or old files. Files, files everywhere and no one knows what they are! (Well, okay, after a month of staring at them, now I do.)
In any case, it is a large portal site, and it’s officially launched. If you have an interest in the Sandpoint, Idaho area (where we live), please check it out at
Now that the three sites are up, life is vastly better for me. I do need to go through and fix all the stuff that I know is wrong on the site though. Some of the listings are out of date and I’ve already fixed a couple things that people have noticed. (If you know the Sandpoint area, please let me know if you see anything wrong…businesses come and go so it’s hard to keep up.)
In much less nerdy news, because of impending burn out, we are declaring a computing moratorium this weekend. We’re leaving the machines off because I need to do something other than stare at a monitor for a while.
Cleaning my office might be a good plan, for example. It looks like a paper factory exploded in here. Virtually every surface has a pile of papers and folders on it. The archeological filing method has reached critical mass, so it’s time to find out what lurks beneath the layers 😉