As I’ve probably mentioned, one of my writing tasks is doing product reviews for a huge consumer Web site. (They get something like 800K visitors/month…yowza!)
Anyway, to do all these reviews I get a lot of techie products on loan. My office has been known to look like a hardware graveyard, filled with various scanners, PDAs and other technological detritus. All this shipping keeps our FedEx and UPS men very, very busy.
When you live in a small town, you tend to see the same people over and over. Including the FedEx man. The FedEx man not only knows me, he knows my car. So if the FedEx man sees me out on the road somewhere and has a package for me, he’ll flag me down. We’ve had these impromptu package rendezvous in many places in Bonner County. I’m happy because I get my package. And he’s *really* happy because he doesn’t have to drive up our road.
The other day I came home and there was a little note from FedEx saying that I’d missed a delivery. After I walked in, the phone rang. It was James reporting in that the FedEx man had found HIM and gave him my package.
Yeah, it’s a small town 😉