This has been one of those weeks when I realize Google is an amazing thing. I wrote press releases on our three books and submitted them to a service, which will send them out over the next few weeks. The first one went out about our Vegan Success cookbook, and if you type “vegan” into Google News, you’ll undoubtedly still find it somewhere. The wire services, blogs, and so forth are filled with references. It’s sort of amazing how many Web sites get content from news feeds. Incidently, we added a video to the Vegan Success site ( called “Vegans Go Hunting.” If you have broadband and like vegetables or Golden Retrievers, you may get a kick out of it.
Anyway, while I was writing the press release for the Web book, I was searching for ways to describe the book. Although we already have a whole Web site about it, my brain just couldn’t think of the right way to say something. So I did a basic Google search for web business book to try and find ideas. Our own site came up on the first page. Egad. (And the press release hasn’t even gone out on that one!)
Finding our own sites during a search is always startling. Sometimes I’ll have some question on Word, do a search, and end up finding something I wrote. (Wouldn’t it be nice if I just remembered all this stuff?) Anyway, these moments do let me know that our techniques for optimizing our sites for search engines definitely work.
In far less nerdy news, over the holiday weekend, I finally finished my endless Ugly Dresser refinishing project. Long time readers may recall this is the dresser I picked up at the free pile at the dump. It’s actually nice, so I think I can officially call it the Dresser Formerly Known As the Ugly Dresser now.