Greetings from the land of big gray. Our winter weather has taken quite a nosedive into gloom. Instead of snowing it has been raining lately, which is really not a good development. Rain on snow is quite unpleasant since it turns the snow on the ground into an icy, yet somewhat gelatanous mess. Here at the 3,000 foot elevation we still have about two feet of snow on the ground, which means that now you are up to your knees in glop.
In mildly more nerdy news, one of my current annoyances is the preponderance of pop-up ads *everywhere* when I surf the Internet. I like the Yahoo news page for example, but it’s become almost unbearable since they’ve added pop-ups. I turned off all Active X controls in Internet Explorer, but I still get a stupid error message. So not being the type to sit idly by in the face of endless unwelcome propoganda, I went to and found some freeware to deal with the problem. Because I just installed the aptly-named Pop Up Killer, I don’t really know if it will work out well long term.
However after only a few hours on my system, Pop Up Killer has already sucessfullly nuked the stupid Active X error message from my world. So I’m quietly optimistic that I can free myself from at least one annoyance in my computing life.