I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy those leftovers 😉
When you talk about Thanksgiving and the holidays, mostly you hear about the food. But with friends and relatives descending on your house, you start noticing the level of dust, well, everywhere.
I figure that this must be "high season" for people who make their living cleaning houses. One of my business goals is to have enough money to pay someone to clean for me. But until then, like a lot of people, I spent some quality time this week cleaning the house. (Let’s just say it was definitely time.)
As I furiously dusted, vacuumed, and swept surfaces that hadn’t been cleaned in way too long, I marveled at the sticking power of North Idaho dust. Because we live off a dirt road, the dust level is probably higher here than in town. I read somewhere that there’s actually a cement shortage, but if all of us rural dwellers worked together, we could use North Idaho dust as a substitute. The stuff is powerful; when you get it wet, it turns into a gray smeary goo.
During our pre-holiday fit of cleanliness, we got out the 8-foot ladder, climbed up and discovered what lurked atop the blades of our ceiling fan. I’ll spare you the details, but the North Idaho dust fairy had obviously paid a visit. In fact, I think she set up a nice little homestead up there.
Armed with the vacuum, we removed possibly years of dust (I’m trying not to think how long it’s been since we turned on that fan). In the process, we also discovered that the fan actually has a "reverse" switch, so we can circulate air down from the ceiling like all those heating brochures suggest.
In any case, it looks like we evicted the North Idaho dust fairy. At least for now.