This has been the week of the Bad Canine Digestive Event. I’ve had four dogs for a number of years now and although we’ve experienced every type of doggie digestive disorder, usually it’s only one dog at a time. Never before have I had all four dogs with disgusting problems too revolting to mention in public. (Well, except the veterinarian’s office, where you can expound in graphic detail and everyone remains completely unphased.)
After a lot of time cleaning and making trips to the vet for "sample" analysis (eww) and a canine exam, we think we have narrowed down the incident to dog food. It may be that I got a bad bag of food. Anyway, the net result is that this week I have been the queen of rice. For those who don’t know, when dogs get sick with a digestive problem, almost always, the vet will recommend a mild diet of chicken and rice. Since we’re vegetarians, I don’t have chicken in the house, but I do have cans of expensive prescription canned dog food that I keep in the pantry for just such occasions.
Meanwhile, between cooking batches of rice, I’ve been quietly brewing on a mini-rant. By now you all know that I have *great* sympathy for new computer users, since I know all too well that computers can be hugely frustrating. The whole reason I write this free ezine is because I want to help people learn more about their computers.
But what I’ve discovered is that I don’t have much patience for people who refuse to put ANY effort into figuring out how to use a computer. It seems like I’ve run into a lot of these people lately. It isn’t productive to curse Bill Gates when you lose a file because he made Windows "too hard." A computer is not magic. It’s just a tool.
People need to realize that, like any tool, it takes effort to learn how to use a computer properly. And the most important thing to learn is how to manage files. Not understanding basic file management is like going out into the forest with a chain saw without reading the instruction manual. The chain saw does not cut down the tree *for* you; you need to learn how to use it before heading into the woods. It’s just plain common sense.
Of course, if you’re reading this ezine, you understand this problem. So thank you for taking the time to learn about that frustrating tool called a computer 😉