This week was full of exciting developments. We released the LEI Publication Manager, got some interesting inquiries on syndicating Computor Companion, taught another class on Doing Business on the Web, and had a great write up in the Spokane Journal of Business (complete with a picture of us…egad!)
In less nerdy matters, the local deer seem to have decided that it’s time to eat *everything*. Maybe it’s because of the lack of rain, but the deer are ravenous. They’re eating a lot of stuff, they normally disdain. Of course, this is bad news for my garden, which has problems even on a good day (you could say my "green thumb" is more of a chartreuse color). The other day, the deer munched a bunch of my struggling rugosa roses. You’d think spiny plants would be unappetizing, but no.
Somewhere ages ago, I read that dog hair is one of the many home remedies you can use to repel deer that really doesn’t work, but that everyone tries anyway. So I figured it must be time. Dog hair is something I have in abundance. A free, unending supply, in fact. So I put some dog hair on the roses along with a dash of 6-year old Taco seasoning. Tasty!
That evening when the dogs went out for their "final outing" of the evening, the added sights and smells generated by my augmented rose bushes really threw them for a loop. They were sniffing and snorting and looking very concerned. There were many furrowed canine brows.
My husband came back inside and quipped, "the dogs were dumbhounded by your furry rose bushes." So, we added yet another word to our obscure vocabulary.