This week, the laptop and I went up north to baby sit a dog-boarding kennel. So not surprisingly, my thoughts this week are about canines. Particularly, the power of the canine nose.
Every day, after dealing with the boarding dogs, I came home for lunch, so I could take care of my own four dogs. I changed my clothes before getting near them because I know otherwise I’ll be excessively snuffled.
Dogs know when you’ve been fraternizing with other dogs. It’s sort of amazing really. They know where you’ve been and what you’ve been up to. Your clothes reveal a world of information to those sensitive sniffers.
After coming home and changing my clothes every day, I let in my dogs from their outside kennel. They are a boisterous crowd, and they exuberantly and joyfully went into the house.
We all settled into my office for the standard afternoon routine of sleeping (them) and working (me). I transferred files off the laptop and uploaded the files to my clients.
Leto, the Pyrenees mix, was the first one to wander by and encounter the sock on my left foot. He snorted loudly as he realized the secret: I’d clearly been associating with other dogs! Soon all four dogs became deeply involved, sniffing, snorfling and inhaling my socks to ascertain all the details.
So the moral of the story is if you don’t want to have an important canine nasal event when you come home, you really have to change ALL your clothes. Nothing gets by four sets of sensitive nostrils.