We’re deep in the throes of a holiday weekend. For those of you who celebrate it, I hope you all had a peaceful Thanksgiving holiday.
Our Thanksgiving was mellow. In the morning, there was some resting and reclining. Later, we took the hounds out for a run, since it actually wasn’t pouring for a change. After that it was big food time. We made our traditional vegetarian stuffing/potato casserole thing with mushroom gravy. As usual, it was really good, and the best part is we have lots of leftovers. After the power eating experience, we sat and read by the fire.
The thing about holidays and weekends is that it just confuses the little white dog’s normal weekday schedule. Cami is a creature of routine, and she takes her schedule pretty seriously. If she doesn’t get her breakfast in time, she’ll express her displeasure by yakking on the floor. (Needless to say, she almost always gets fed promptly by 8 am.)
After her morning outing, Cami is generally placid until about 11:30, when she’ll get up and push her white nose under my arm because she feels it’s time to have an outing and then go upstairs for lunch. That’s just what we’re supposed to do. If I ignore her, sometimes she’ll throw her head back and utter a mighty "woo woo." Cami does not appreciate being ignored and she doesn’t care about my workload at all.
Around 3:30, the level of canine agitation increases again and often a "walkie time" woo happens to indicate that it’s time for the big run around the forest. All that activity segues into another big sleep fest. I know that in about 15 minutes, Cami will report in again. Because clearly, it’s time to go upstairs and get on with the evening.
Okay, there’s the woo. It must be dinner time 😉