This is the last regular issue of Logical Tips. After 7 years, I’m ready to write about other things. We are starting up a new newsletter called Publishize, which is all about how you can use the power of print and online publishing to improve awareness of who you are and what you do. As most people know, we have earned our living online since 1995. In the new newsletter, we’re going to start divulging all the marketing and print and online publishing information we’ve gleaned over our years in business.
If you love Logical Tips, it’s not really going away completely. We are in the process of compiling and updating all the tips into book form, which you will be able to purchase soon (if you remain on this list, we’ll send out a special email to let you know when the books are available). Or you can read the original articles online indefinitely. (I know I go back and refer to old Logical Tips articles all the time, and I’m the one who wrote them!) But we have removed the subscribe forms from the site, so people won’t get weekly tips via email anymore.
Given that this is the last issue, I wanted to give you a few final computing thoughts. Again, if you want to continue to hear from us, please do consider signing up for our Publishize newsletter, which we plan to start up in September. Here are some final tips from my many years of computing (and writing about computing):
1. Know thy files. Learn about file management. If you can’t find your files, you never will be productive.
2. Know thy keyboard. Learn keyboard shortcuts. They can and will save you hours of time.
3. Know that you can customize almost anything. Learn how to customize your Windows XP experience. You really aren’t stuck with the default set up in almost any program. Take control.
4. Know that badness exists. Keep all your security software updated and understand what it is doing for your computer.
5. Know that technology exists to help, not hinder you. Finally, ignore the hype and spend your money on hardware and software that can help you do your job more effectively. If it’s not helping, it could be hurting. Bigger monitors, larger hard disks, more memory, and a better keyboard are almost always wise investments.
Best of luck to you in your future computing efforts!