Normally, I like to write about the latest interesting thing that’s happened around here. But like most people, I’ve been distracted by what I’ve read and seen about the disaster in New Orleans.
One thing I find so disturbing about this disaster is that it was predicted. In a report issued in early 2001, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) apparently said that that a hurricane striking New Orleans and a terrorist attack in New York City were two of the three most likely disasters in U.S.
Since FEMA is now correct on two counts, I was curious to know what the third prediction was. It turns out that it’s a massive earthquake in San Francisco. That might sound far away, but it’s not. Here in our area, experts have been predicting that a major forest fire will come through here. No matter where you are on the logging debate, the reality is that in nature, "stand-replacing" fires happen. Like hurricanes and earthquakes, fire is part of the natural cycle. It’s not if it will happen, it’s when.
So if you’re feeling all smug and thinking, "gee why would you want to live in a big city, near a coast, or on an earthquake fault anyway?" think again. We could be next. It pays to be prepared. Our rivers have flooded before and our trees have burned. If there’s a lesson to be learned from the terrible events in the Big Easy, it’s to plan ahead.
Do what you can to keep your family safe if the inevitable happens? Many local experts are available to help you if you need more information on forestry or land issues on your property.