One of the best things about living here is also sometimes one of the worst things. I love the connection we have to nature by living so close to it. Experiencing the seasons and sharing our 40 acres with countless forms of wildlife is really a fantastic thing.
This morning however, nature felt a little too close. This year, the snowshoe hare population has completely exploded. Bunnies have been everywhere. Nature always seems to seek a balance, so it’s only a matter of time before there’s a correction. Intellectually, I shouldn’t have been too surprised to see a dead rabbit in my garden this morning. James had remarked that there have been a lot of owls about lately. Apparently, last night there was some successful hunting. Our theory is that an owl snagged Mister Slow Bunny and dropped him in my garden area.
Anyway, I almost stepped on the dead bunny, which totally freaked me out because, let’s face it, I’m a total wuss when it comes to stuff like that. I’m squeamish about all creepy crawlies, snakes, and dead things. Eeww.
So with a small squeak of distress, I ran back inside and told James of my find. He is far less wimpy than I am, so he is the designated disposer of things I don’t want to see. When it comes to these issues, we also adhere to the "TMI rule." He isn’t allowed to describe the disposal because that would be FAR too much information.
In any case, I got over my morning freak out, but I suspect that I’ll be a little more cautious wandering around my garden for a while.