Earlier this week, my big accomplishment was putting the new Computor Companion on line.
A big thank you to all our writers for another cool issue 😉
Technically I am still hoping for one more article. At some point, the LEI resident nerd is going to finish an article about how he made the new RSS feed work off all our content sites.
Since I’m married to the resident nerd, I can only nag so much before he starts to get annoyed. Any form of annoyance inhibits the writing flow, so I try to avoid that. But I’ll post the article as soon as it’s done. Those who get geek thrills from things like XML will undoubtedly enjoy it.
In much less nerdy news, today the weather is sort of stormy and gross outside, which is matching my mood. Some days it feels like your brain is just running on empty and everything takes way, way longer than it should.
Today was one of those days. So at around 2 pm, I decided I wasn’t getting anything worthwhile done anyway, so went to town to do some errands that I’d been putting off for ages. I went to town, came back, and my brain remains furry. I hate that.
Clearly, my brain needs a weekend, so it can do something else for a while. It’s time to click the ole shut down command and move on outta here.