This has been one busy week. A number of things we’ve been working on or thinking about for months seem to (finally) be coming to fruition. A couple jobs came through and it looks like our radio show about computing is really going to happen. We got to sit in on another talk radio show today and it was a blast. Radio is cool because you can’t SEE all those happy listeners out there. Teaching a class with all those expectant eyeballs staring at you is a lot more difficult in my opinion. (Of course, I may change my mind once we actually do a show.)
In less nerdy news, I had a distressing automotive failure. As it turns out my car has a spiffy automatic don’t-flood-the-engine shut off. (Wow, modern technology!) So Monday night, I got all ready to go teach my Word class and had a big thrill when the ultra-reliable RAV-4 wouldn’t start. I was stunned; it *always* starts. So, I grumpily took the truck off to town (I really hate driving the truck). Meanwhile back at the ranch, James called the Toyota dealer and found out that with a RAV, if you pump the gas pedal, this auto-don’t-flood me thingie kicks in and it won’t start. Of course I’ve been hitting the gas pedal for 3 years…no problem. Who knew?! So okay, I won’t be doing that anymore.
But now, I feel like a real moron because I’m having a terrible time starting the car a different way. There’s nothing like changing a routine you’ve had going for 15 years or something. I have now lurched the car forward twice by leaving it in gear. Sheesh.
So I have a new mantra: push in clutch, put in neutral, turn key. (It’s more fun if you sing it.)