Welcome to the first issue of Computor
Companion! At this point, many of you may be looking at this issue and asking, “okay, so what is this thing?” As
the editor, my first job is to tell you.
Computor Companion is a magazine designed to help business
owners/managers, computer professionals, and home PC computer users in the
North Idaho area. As computer users ourselves, we’ve been frustrated with
spending money on books and wading through boring computer manuals or
magazines that didn’t tell us what we needed to know to get our jobs done.
We’ve talked to a lot of other people who have had the same problems. So it
seems like a lot of people aren’t getting the most out of their investment in the
computer technology sitting on their desks. We created this magazine to try
to change all that.
Our goal with this magazine is to help our readers use their
computers more effectively to accomplish everyday tasks. We hope to provide
computer information that is relevant to the community in an easy to understand
manner. Rather than inundating you with overly technical articles and jargon,
we hope to provide helpful information that is easy for even new computer
users to read and comprehend.
Of course, like any magazine, Computer
Companion exists primarily to serve its readers. We can’t really know what our readers need unless you tell
us. So, if you have a moment, please let us know what we’re doing right
and what we’re doing wrong with this first issue. If you have a question
that needs answering, just ask. We’ll try to include as many questions as
possible in our “Question Mark” question and answer column. Feel free to
either send us an e-mail (sdaffron AT logicalexpressions.com) or write a letter to
the address at right. We may not be able to incorporate every suggestion, but
we do promise to stop and consider every idea we receive.
Happy computing!