It’s almost Thanksgiving and I was thinking about all the things I’m thankful for this year. In the spirit of the Facebook “25 Random Things” genre, I thought I’d post mine here. Sure none of it is earth-shattering stuff, but it’s all true.
1. My husband. The most supportive, smart, and wonderful person I have ever met.
2. My sister. Who puts up with almost daily rants and whines via email and even usually understands because of our shared history.
3. The Internet. Which makes it possible for me to earn a living from the middle of nowhere.
4. My critters. The five dogs and two cats who make me laugh and offer unconditional love, even when I probably don’t deserve it.
5. The Monday Mastermind Ladies. Who offer accountability, support, and make me smile every week.
6. My business coaches and mentors. You know who you are and you rock.
7. My clients. Who entrust me with one of their most important creative works: a book.
8. My veterinarian. The best in North Idaho. (If only I could find a doctor I like as much.)
9. My local friends who get me out of the house every once in a while.
10. My online buddies, some of whom I’ve been emailing since I first got online in 1995.
12. My health. Yeah, eating right and exercising helps, but I don’t discount the “luck” factor either.
13. My teeth. I like food and I’m flossing the teeth I want to keep.
14. My parents and family, who mostly get what I do and why I do it.
15. My house and property. Our log home and 40 acres of forest remain a sanctuary.
16. People saving homeless pets like the members of the National Association of Pet Rescue Professionals. There are a lot of unsung heroes out there helping animals.
17. Our productive garden and all the great food we preserved from it.
18. James taking up artisan bread baking and homemade tofu making. (I can seriously support my husband’s food-related hobbies.)
19. My computer and automobile for lasting longer than they probably should without any major problems.
20. The ability to pay our bills on time, even during one of the worst economic down-turns ever.
21. Chocolate. What if chocolate had never been invented?! A world without chocolate would be a less happy place for me.
22. The people who read our books, blogs, articles and newsletters and take the time to contact us and say nice things.
23. Sandpoint/North Idaho. I’m grateful to live in such an amazingly beautiful place.
24. Information access. It’s so easy to research anything online or at a library. I’m thankful that knowledge is at my fingertips and I have the ability to read it.
25. Clean water, indoor plumbing, and electricity. Every time we lose power, I remember how much I love modern conveniences.
There you have it, my 25 Thankful Things.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!